The Quilt Fairy

We were visited by the Quilt Fairy last week. She has been making the rounds of many HittyGirls members lately (don’t her wings ever tire?) and she dropped in to bring us a tiny baggie with 12 little quilt charms. For anyone who doesn’t know, a charm quilt is made up of little squares of different colored or printed fabrics. No two can be alike. Hey, that’s just like a Hitty – none of us are alike either!!

A wee giftie from the Quilt Fairy

A wee giftie from the Quilt Fairy

Our Person volunteered to assemble this quilt for us. We Capital City Hittys love quilts, but our Person had never made us one before, so we were a bit skeptical. I think she was too. However, she completed it last night, and we are proud to present our lovely new Amish-like quilt: thank you Quilt Fairy and Person.
Ta - Dah!!

Ta - Dah!!

You can see by the little hairs on the quilt that there is an animal in residence – Wiki Wiki has already made herself at home on our quilt. Fortunately, she has never tried to eat us, and we are grateful beyond words.

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