Christmas is coming

So, finally the holiday time is upon us. We were late getting our decor together this year, no doubt disrupted by the beach trip for Thanksgiving. Without some of the more willing hands left at home, it didn’t happen.

Finally, we realized that time was being wasted, and we scurried around to locate all our decorations. Normally, getting them up is a chore, but this year, we were blessed with a handy elf (Nicholas Nathaniel) and a Hitty who can finally climb a ladder to decorate the top of the tree. As most of you know, we Hitty’s are jointed only at the shoulder and hip areas, but Larie has elbow and knee joints too, so up the ladder she went. I held on below, just in case she took a tumble.

Finally, a Hitty with knee joints who can climb the ladder

Finally, a Hitty with knee joints who can climb the ladder

We put up the wreath, decorated, and finally got the tree in shape.

OK, ready for the lights??

OK, ready for the lights??

And everyone said a collective Ooooooooohhhhh!

And everyone said a collective Ooooooooohhhhh!

To top it off, we started baking goodies and delivering them to friends, near and far.

Of course, we ate a few too!

Of course, we ate a few too!

I think we may be ready for our visit from Santa.

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